Gulliver Raiders Girls Water Polo Team Wins State Championship

By Dani Engel & Tyler Perez


On April 27th, 2013, the Gulliver Prep Girls Water Polo Team was awarded state champions.  The ladies won against our rival, Ransom Everglades with a score of 9 to 8. The Academy’s own Maggie Rodriguez (7), Shani Rupp (7), and Elizabeth Perez (6)  had the opportunity with work with the Prep team this year.  “I was scared at first but then after winning the tournament I rewarded with a lot of water polo knowledge,” said Maggie Rodriguez.  “In the beginning, it was scary because the girls were a lot bigger than me, but at the end it payed off because we won,” stated Rodriguez.  This experience was memorable and informative for all of the participants. They have become better water polo players as a result. It is extremely difficult to make a the high school water polo team, let alone win the championship. This has been a huge accomplishment for the middle school girls as they were invited to join the talented team.  The young girls made a huge impact on the championship as they swam their way to the gold trophy.  Water polo is always extreme, but the stakes were raised as the team faced off against the Ransom Raiders, our biggest rival. “It was so intense,” said Perez. The team felt superior as they broke Ransom’s four-year winning streak. This was a huge accomplishment for the Gulliver Raiders as it brings great momentum for the next season. What a more perfect time to end the season? The girls get to practice all they want during the summer and get ready to dominate the opposing teams once school begins.

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