Looking Back: Making the Jump From Middle School to High School

By Lauren Pelletier

??????????Photo Courtesy of City College of San Francisco

The other day I was asked, “How do I feel about ending eighth grade and starting as a freshman in high school?”

I thought about this for a moment but had no idea how to react. I haven’t really thought about it yet. The idea of ending middle school makes me question, ‘Am I really getting that old?’ Then a wave of sadness hit me because I realized what I was leaving behind. As my middle school chapter comes to an end, I realize that I am leaving behind the memories, the secrets, my teachers, my little sister, and even some friends that aren’t coming to the Prep next year.

 When I began at Gulliver in sixth grade it was hard because I was afraid to begin at a new school. I felt like no one was going to like me. It was hard being at the bottom of the social chain but I managed to make it to the top by the time eighth grade rolled around.  Now that I am older, I look back and feel that maybe I have lost some of the innocence I possessed when I walked into Gulliver 3 years ago. Being a kid was easy and sometimes I wish I could go back. Yet, I realize that growing up is bound to happen sooner or later, so why not now? There is no right time to start thinking about our future. Growing up is going to happen whether I like it or not.  But I won’t rush into figuring out what I want to do with the rest of my life because I want to live in this moment a little longer.

Change is right around the corner for me. I believe that it’s going to be very hard going into high school because there will most likely be new people to become friends with and that might affect the previous relationships made in middle school. Most people don’t want to hear this, but when new people join a group, the friendships change.

That is not all that will change with this new chapter and that excites and scares me. But then I remembered what my mom told me: Embrace the future and be ready and excited for whatever is to come. Her words made me feel alot better about the changes coming my way. The sadness faded and I was left with a feeling of excitement when I think about high school. I am officially super excited for high school! The boys, the new friends, a drivers license, the boys, the teachers, the classes, the new experiences. Did I mention the boys?

Even though it was scary, my favorite middle school memory is from when I first arrived in sixth grade. I had no idea if anyone was going to like me or want to be my friend. But as time went on, this place has become like my home and the people of Gulliver are my family. I wouldn’t give up any of these experiences for the world. I have learned so much from middle school! The lessons learned are not only academic, but life lessons.  Middle school has taught me not to sweat the small things or the drama because there WILL be more in high school (and it will most likely be worse!) But I’m ready and optimistic! I have changed so much throughout the course of middle school as I have grown. I have grown in ways that cannot be placed into words and even if I could piece them together, there wouldn’t be enough room to explain them here.

One thought on “Looking Back: Making the Jump From Middle School to High School

  1. hi guys! im so proud of this website and what you have made with the raider flash. last year we had one issue and i am very impressed by how far it has come! i love you guys and (well the 8th graders because it would be creepy to like the 7th graders that i dont know) haha great job and im sure the yearbook is great too!

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