BY THE NUMBERS: 17 School Days Left- 17 Things to Do During Summer

By Leah Rodman

akumal-beach-resortPhoto Courtesy of Trip Advisor

  1. Go to the beach

  2. Tan in the sun

  3. Paint your nails and toes with bright fun colors Screen-shot-2012-05-29-at-11.45.16-AMPhoto courtesy of: I Love Want Need

  4. Go on vacation!

  5. Hang out with friends

  6. Go outside

  7. Sleep ALOT

  8. Take time to organize yourself

  9. Begin to think about next year

  10. Think of things you want to improve or change next after break

  11. Visit friends and family

  12. Take a yoga classYoga-ClassesPhoto courtesy of: Beyond the Blue Yoga Studios

  13. Take a dip in the pool

  14. Cool off with refreshing drinks

  15. Watch summer movies with friends

  16. Switch from coffee to Ice Tea or lemonade at Starbucks

  17. Keep re-applying sunscreen and hydrate your self!

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