Why Writers Write

By Talia Pfeffer


With all of thoughts that percolate through one’s mind, sometimes it is best to be written out. Some people write to express actions that cannot be said or done out loud, while others write to get their message across to readers.


A woman by the name of Bianca Ramirez, spoke to the Journalism class about reasons why writers write. Ramirez’s journey has been one of tragedy and triumph. She found solace through written expression as she grappled with events that transpired in her short life.  Being a writer herself, Ramirez taught the class that there are three major reasons why writers do what they do. This lesson was accomplished through the use of a varieties of chocolate which illustrated life’s moments. Ramirez brought white chocolate, dark chocolate, and milk chocolate to illustrate the three main reasons why she writes. The dark chocolate resembles the dark and bitter moments and mistakes that we make; the milk chocolate resembles all of the happy, sweet moments that make us smile; and the white chocolate represents the happy accidents that occur by chance or surprise.


Writers have the freedom to write whatever they please.  “I have two hands, two feet, and a heart that beats, and I can do anything,” exclaimed Ramirez. Being a writer is sometimes difficult because it involves stepping outside the private boundaries of your own mind when you would rather shut the blinds and stay inside your head. This exquisite role means that you have a little world or many little worlds in your mind that over flow sometimes, and every little thought has to be expressed with a paper and a pen.


 Keeping a journal with you at all times, performing writing prompt exercises each day, and listening to inspiring music are just a few ways on how to express writing. I get my writing ideas usually the minute I get into bed. I keep my journal open on my dresser with a pen nearby, so whenever I feel inspired to write something, I am well prepared to do so.

The Raider Flash wants to know, what inspires you to write?

2 thoughts on “Why Writers Write

  1. Pingback: 5 Ideas to Get You Writing | Seventeen 20

  2. Pingback: Lessons Learned | Writing = Passion

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