Gulliver Middle Raider Softball Team Ends Season Run

By Morgan Hall


Last week the Gulliver Middle School Girls Softball team played in their end of the season conference championship.  The Raiders had their first playoff game on Thursday, April 11th against Palmer Trinity Middle School.  The girls were ecstatic defeated Palmer Trinity with a score of 11-3. This happy moment signaled that the team would move onto the semifinals against Florida Christian on Friday, April 12th.  Sadly, the Raiders lost to the opposing team with a score of 15-0.  However, making it this far in the South Florida Middle School Championship was quite an accomplishment for the team. This season’s team is the first to compete after a year-long hiatus.“I’m very proud of the girls for working their hardest,” said Head Coach Jessica Lola. Although the team is sad that the season is now over, they cherish the time spent as a team with one another.  “For a group of beginners, we played well,” said  third baseman Rachel Kaiser (seen below).


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