How to Make This Summer the Best!

By Catie Schwartzman

1. Wake up early.

ImagePhoto Courtesy of The Zooom
Nothing wastes the days of summer vacation like lazing around in bed. You will regret not doing as much as you could have over the break! Decide the previous day when you will get out of bed, then make sure follow through. During the first few weeks of vacation, chances are that you will savor the opportunity to sleep in. It’s okay to do this and give yourself a chance to relax, because your body will naturally put itself on a schedule to wake itself up earlier.

2. Maintain a summer reading schedule.

ImagePhoto Courtesy of Long Beach Island School District
Don’t start the assigned book right at the beginning of the summer: that’s no fun, and you will forget the information before school is back in session. Make a calendar entailing how much you will read each day to reach your goal and maximize efficiency. After all, a few pages a day is much less intimidating than a few hundred pages in one week! Reading during the summer may feel like a chore, but following a schedule can make it much easier and less time-consuming in the end.

3. Learn something new.


Photo Courtesy of AdvisorMario
If you have always loved basketball, why not try swimming, rock climbing, or even art? Learn to write, draw, play a new sport, do a new dance move… the list goes on and on. Try something different that you know nothing about, and you will gain a new skill and possibly find a lifelong talent that may impress others. Another upside to summer is that you have a lot of time to practice and put your skill to use!

4. Enjoy the outdoors.


Photo Courtesy of Happy Faces Events
You’ve been caged in a classroom all school year: Why not get out your bike and go for a nice long ride,  grab a friend or two and go hiking, go to the beach, lake, ocean for an afternoon of swimming and tanning? Try jogging or walking in the park or on the sidewalk or even rollerblading. Any outdoors activity is great exercise and fun.

5.  Do what you want!


Photo Courtesy of Falsa Magra No More
Try something you have always wanted to do but have been too nervous to attempt. You have free time to be spontaneous! Even try something you have always wanted to do but have never had the time to do. Make the best of your summer! Ten weeks travel fast!

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