Sorry I’m Not Sorry Because I’m NOT Embarrassed

By Susi Cappelo


Whether you want to admit it or not, everyone has some sort of guilty pleasure. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, a guilty pleasure is defined as something one enjoys and considers pleasurable despite feelings of guilt for enjoying it. They can range from eating strange foods to watching television shows that are considered “not cool.” In the spirit of sharing, the journalism staff volunteered to share their guilty pleasures with our readers. Here are just a few:

  • Ms. Rossi: Buying too much nail polish and never using all
  • Tyler: Watching High School Musical a lot
  • Morgan: Watching Cartoon Network especially Adventure Time
  • Gaby: Watching Disney Channel
  • Catie: Watching hours of TLC

As a matter of fact, we found that the majority of the journalism class’ their guilty pleasures to pertain to watching television shows generally avoided by most students. As for Tyler Perez, watching High School Musical in the 5th grade was his guilty pleasure. “My friends and I still do not admit that we would watch High School Musical when we were in fifth grade,” Perez confessed. For Ms. Rossi, anything for her nails is a necessity and she can’t stop buying cool new things that catch her eye. “I will go to the store for something else but I end up with 3 different colors and nail decals that I may use only once,” said Rossi. And as for Gaby Andrade, you can find her watching Disney Channel during her weekends.  No shame here!  The Raider Flash team feels that it is important to be yourself no matter what anyone else thinks. Middle school is a time when students are trying to find themselves and attempting to fit in.  What would happen if you stood apart?  So what if Adventure Time is for little kids? We are all kids at heart!  We want to know, what is your guilty pleasure?

Embarrassed Bunny Photo Courtesy of WeHeartIt

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