Gulliver Spirit Week

By Isa Polo

The week of April 8th, 2013, Gulliver students experienced the annual Spirit Week. Monday was class colors day.  The fifth graders wore green, sixth red, seventh purple, and eighth graders showed pride in black and white. Each day class participation is tallied and a daily winner is announced. On both Monday and Tuesday, the fifth graders took the lead with 86% and the 8th graders slowly inching behind.

Monday: Class Color DayImageImage

Tuesday: College Team Shirt DayImageImageImage

Wednesday: Famous Person DayImageImageImage

As of Wednesday, the scores are as follows:

  • Grade 5: 84%
  • Grade 7: 72 %
  • Grade 6: 67%
  • Grade 8: 61 %

Those 5th graders may have done it again with their boundless school spirit!

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